5 Signs You Need an Emergency Dentist


According to statistics collected by the CDC, 26% of U.S. adults have untreated tooth decay. 46% of adults over 30 show early signs of gum disease.

Whether it's severe tooth decay or an issue with your gums, there are times when you'll need to visit the emergency dentist.

This guide will discuss some of the signs to look out for and when you might have a dental emergency in North Vancouver. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Broken Teeth

You'll need to visit an emergency dentist right away if you have any broken teeth. If you've been in an accident or have had one of your teeth knocked out for any other reason, you'll need to get treated immediately.

A broken tooth causes a lot of pain and getting treated by the dentist can help you manage that pain. Seeing the dentist as soon as possible can help save your tooth as well.

A knocked-out tooth should be placed in milk until you can get to the dentist. This will help preserve it until it gets reinserted.

2. A Lost Crown

If you've lost a crown or filling, you'll also need to receive emergency dental care. While a lost crown might not seem like an emergency because it isn't causing you any pain, this couldn't be further from the truth.

Leaving a lost filling or crown untreated can lead to tooth damage and might require more extensive dental repair later on. Check out the dental services offered at IQ Dental in North Vancouver to see how we can help you during your dental emergency.

3. Severe Toothache

Severe toothache is another reason to seek out emergency dental care. If the pain is interfering with your day-to-day life, seeing your dentist right away is vital.

Only your dentist can examine your teeth and determine the cause of your toothache. Once they know this information, they'll be able to provide the proper treatment. This will provide the long-lasting relief you need.

4. Bleeding Gums

Good dental health includes healthy teeth and gums. If you're experiencing any problems with your gums, you should schedule a visit with your dentist.

Bleeding gums qualify as a dental emergency. A little blood after flossing or some blood caused by gum disease is normal.

Severe and continuous bleeding accompanied by pain, however, is not normal. This could indicate you're suffering from periodontal disease, you should see an emergency dentist right away.

5. A Swollen Jaw

Swelling can occur throughout the body and in the mouth for several different reasons. Some swelling can indicate a more serious problem. This is why you should request an emergency dentist visit if you're experiencing swelling in your jaw.

If your jaw appears swollen, this can indicate you have an infection. Swelling, fever, and trouble swallowing are signs of a serious infection that should be treated right away.

Dental Emergency North Vancouver: Signs to Look for

The signs discussed in the guide above indicate a dental emergency in North Vancouver. Contact IQ Dental to set up an emergency dental visit whether you're having a severe toothache or have bleeding gums.

Whatever your case, we'll be happy to provide you with the treatment you need.


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