The Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

If you're unhappy with your smile, your self-confidence takes a huge hit. To fix every issue, you imagine having many painful, expensive and time-consuming procedures done. Fortunately, porcelain veneers offer a wide range of benefits not found with other smile solutions.

Porcelain Veneers Don't Require Much Enamel Removal

The fear and anxiety of pain leads many patients to avoid important dental procedures. In an analysis of years worth of dentistry-related studies, researchers found that 36% of the population have anxiety about going to the dentist. Because enamel is such an integral part of the tooth, doesn't that mean getting porcelain veneers is painful?

It varies from case to case, but porcelain veneers are a less-invasive alternative to crowns and bridges. To secure those solutions, dentists often have to remove a significant amount of enamel. With dental veneers, though, dentists typically have to remove much less, making it a less-invasive and potentially less painful procedure.

Porcelain Is About as Durable as Enamel

People that have crowns or plastic retainers and veneers have probably had to revisit the dentist to have them repaired or replaced. Over the course of a normal day, they may come loose or crack. This isn't just anxiety-inducing it can be expensive.

With routine maintenance, porcelain veneers can last up to 15 or 20 years. Despite how thin they are, porcelain veneers crack less, stand up to temperature changes and don't usually become misshapen.

They're Low-maintenance

One downside of plastic or composite veneers is that they stain easily. To keep their naturally-white luster, you may have to use a different toothbrush, get them professionally cleaned and avoid much-needed morning coffee. Even if you follow perfect veneer maintenance, composite veneers may only last seven years.

Because porcelain is much less porous, porcelain veneers don't stain as easily. They can basically be treated like normal teeth. As long as you brush and visit your dentist regularly, your porcelain veneers can enjoy a long lifespan.

They Look Natural

People have many pre-conceived notions about veneers. Like a bad toupee, they stand out. As soon as you open your mouth, people know your veneers aren't real.

Modern porcelain veneers have come a long way. It may take multiple appointments, but dentists use state-of-the-art technology to match the shape and color of your natural enamel. They may be refreshingly white, but they won't be unnaturally shiny.

Veneers Aren't Just Cosmetic

When people have gaps or misshapen and cracked teeth, they imagine spending the rest of their lives in a dentist's office. For people with acid reflux, weak, discolored enamel seems like a lifelong burden.

In many cases, porcelain veneers are an all-in-one solution to these issues. Instead of making repeated visits to multiple dental specialists, porcelain veneers allow for fewer appointments.

Make An Appointment at IQ Dental of North Vancouver

Are you ready for a radiant smile? For more than 35 years, IQ Dental has served patients in North Vancouver with a wide range of dental services including porcelain veneers. As a family dental practice, your health, budget and schedule are our top priorities. For a custom smile makeover, contact us today.


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