R.V. Tucker Gold Casting
Gold fillings, inlays, or onlays are the most ideal conservative dental restoration. The techniques used to provide this type of restoration allow the dentist to preserve as much of the natural tooth structure as possible. Once the restoration is cemented in place, it is then polished to a high level for a seamless fit.
This is highly beneficial because there is a very low instance of recurrent decay with these restorations. Gold castings are biocompatible in the mouth and do not have any documented instances of allergic reactions. There is no corrosion or discoloration of the restorations over time.

The very nature of the cast gold restoration actually strengthens the integrity of the damaged tooth. It is also the only type of restoration that actually improves over time. Normal biting and chewing will continue to burnish (or polish) the gold casting. With good oral hygiene, the average life expectancy of a cast gold restoration is between 20 to 40 years! The initial investment is higher than for other types of filling materials, but they rarely need to be replaced.
The preparation for a cast gold restoration differs from a normal restoration because of the casting process. It requires great precision on the part of both the dentist and the lab that casts the restoration.
The R.V. Tucker Academy
The R.V. Tucker Academy is a study club specifically dedicated to the promotion and development of refinement in restorative dentistry, cavity design, aesthetics, and finish of gold castings, while preserving as much of the natural tooth structure as possible.
Dr. Richard Tucker, who still practices dentistry in Ferndale, Washington, is the mentor of the original Vancouver study club. Dr. McKay is one of the founding members of this group.
Dr. Tucker teaches and lectures worldwide on the techniques he has developed and there are now more than 55 active clubs through Canada, USA, Italy, Hawaii, Germany, Japan, and Peru.
The primary purpose of these study clubs is the pursuit and promotion of excellence in the practice of conservative dentistry through the development of proficiency in cast gold and gold foil techniques. Each club member should work to develop his or her talents to the fullest.
This is a slow and arduous process, but gratifying and rewarding. Some members, including Dr. McKay, operate at national meetings as well as give lectures and table clinics at local and national meetings.
Dr. McKay has been a proud member of the #1 R.V. Tucker Study Club since its conception in 1976. He has many patients that are dentists, and they all come to Terry for the same thing: Tucker Gold! They know it’s the “gold standard in dentistry” and they want Tucker Gold in their mouths!
For more information on R.V. Tucker Academy, its members, or Dr. Richard Tucker, please visit